June 8, 2020
Clients and Friends:
Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell rejects any and all forms of prejudice or violence against others, specifically against black men and women in our country. Our professionals demonstrate respect for every individual regardless of race, gender or background and, as a result, we are saddened and outraged by the death of George Floyd and all others who have been exposed to senseless discrimination and violence. Their unjust suffering extends to their families and the communities where they have been loved and where they will now always be remembered for having departed long before their due.
Their stories are an ongoing reminder that we all need to do better.
As CBM enters its 100th anniversary in 2020, we have a unique perspective on the impact of history on our business community and have seen dramatic changes and heartbreaking setbacks. Again, we now find ourselves in another tragic chapter of racial injustice and inequality that has plagued our country for far too long. This can no longer be tolerated.
CBM will always stand against the forces of fear, hatred, violence and the systemic use of power against others. We stand against intolerance and victimization.
We believe that inclusivity is a bedrock principle and is foundational to who we are and what we do. We proactively seek community despite our differences. We provide an open hand of friendship for all because we know we are stronger and better together. CBM continues to support charities in the Washington metropolitan area, and we will emphasize those charities fighting racial injustice.
CBM remains dedicated to a national foundation for peace built on respect, equality and justice for all.
The CBM Management Team