Business valuation is a prophecy of the future. That is, investors typically value a business based on its ability to generate future cash flow. However, with so many uncertainties in the current marketplace, forecasting expected cash flow can be challenging. Income Approach Under the income approach, the value of a business interest is a function of two variables: 1. Expected economic benefits. 2. A discount rate based on the risk of the business. Economic benefits can take many forms, such as earnings… Read more ›
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused many businesses to temporarily shut down or scale back operations. Slowly, states are allowing businesses to reopen to the public. But it may be too late for some businesses to bounce back. When the economy went into lockdown mode, some small businesses — including certain brick-and-mortar boutiques, niche manufacturers and family-owned restaurants — were already struggling and lacked financial resources to weather the downturn. And federal relief efforts weren’t enough to cover their… Read more ›
Many auto dealership owners have a preconceived notion of what their businesses are worth. It might be based on a “rule of thumb” such as a specified multiple of vehicle sales, the dealership’s revenue stream, a percentage of earnings or “book value.” However, while these factors may give you an idea about a business’ net worth, they hardly represent the entire picture. So how can you find out the value of your dealership? For starters, it is helpful to pinpoint comparable… Read more ›
Daniel Keefer, CPA, CVA, a manager at Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (CBM) has successfully completed the certification process with the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts™ (NACVA) to earn the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) credential. The CVA credential is granted only to qualified individuals with considerable professional experience in the field of business valuation. “The CVA designation is an indication to the business, professional, and legal communities that recipients have met NACVA’s rigorous standards of professionalism, expertise, objectivity, and… Read more ›