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Category: Taxation-Corporate

July 21, 2022

Making Buildings Accessible to the Disabled

If you’re entering into a commercial lease as a landlord or as a tenant, make sure the space is in compliance with public accommodation laws. Otherwise, you could find yourself paying a fortune in structural and design changes. Fortunately, there are tax breaks available to businesses that make building alterations to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The law requires that disabled people have equal, or similar, access provided to the general public if any of the… Read more ›

July 20, 2022

Small Business Alert: Take Advantage of the WOTC for New Hires

In today’s tight labor market, small businesses may need to think outside the box to find employees to fill open positions. In some cases, you may have to sweeten the deal with higher salaries or extra benefits. But you may be able to offset higher compensation costs with a lucrative federal tax credit for hiring members of certain “targeted” groups. Here’s what employers should know to take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). Targeted Groups The WOTC can… Read more ›

July 20, 2022

Be Careful When Selling Out: Some Assets Are Hot

Sooner or later, one of your law firm partners will probably sell his or her partnership interest to an incoming partner. At that point, there will be important tax consequences for the exiting partner. This article explains the applicable federal income tax rules in a nutshell. The same rules apply if your firm operates as an LLC that is treated as a partnership for federal tax purposes. The General Rule When law firm partners or LLC members sell out, they… Read more ›

July 19, 2022

Dividing Assets and Tax Bills in Divorce

When a divorce happens, there are often major financial consequences and some important tax issues too. Here are the tax rules that generally apply when a couple’s assets are split up in a divorce property settlement. State Law Is Important How assets are split up in a divorce depends largely on where the divorcing couple lives. The following nine states are community property states: California, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Idaho. In these states, the general… Read more ›

June 27, 2022

6 Common Tax Deductions for Not-for-Profits

Revenue generated by 501(c)(3) organizations is generally exempt from federal income tax. But in some cases, your not-for-profit may incur unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on revenue. The good news is your annual tax return may offer some relief in the form of deductions. The list isn’t as long as the “ordinary and necessary business expenses” for-profit entities can deduct, but here are six common nonprofit deductions to know about: 1. Wages. Just as for-profit businesses, your nonprofit can deduct… Read more ›

June 21, 2022

Standard Business Mileage Rate Will Increase For the Second Half of 2022

The IRS recently announced that it’ll increase the standard mileage rate for qualified business driving for the second half of 2022. The adjustment reflects the soaring cost of gasoline this year. In fact, as of June 13, the nationwide average price of regular unleaded gas was $5.01 a gallon, according to the AAA Gas Prices website. This is compared with $3.08 a gallon a year ago. Beginning July 1, 2022, the standard mileage rate for business travel will be 62.5… Read more ›

June 10, 2022

Important Considerations When Buying Another Construction Firm

Buying another construction firm can be an attractive way to grow your company’s revenue base. A merger or an acquisition can allow you to: Add a new subcontracting specialty, Acquire an experienced labor force to reach new markets, and Deepen your penetration into the market your firm already serves. But there’s more to mergers and acquisitions than agreeing on a purchase price and signing the paperwork. For example, which employees should be made privy to the transaction? And how do… Read more ›

May 31, 2022

Medical Costs: Can I Really Get a Tax Break for That?

It’s difficult for many people to write off medical expenses because of the limits imposed under the tax laws. But you may qualify by including every expense allowed. Some of the qualified procedures may surprise you. For example, most insurance plans won’t cover laser eye surgery, such as radial keratotomy or “Lasik,” because they consider it a cosmetic procedure. But it generally qualifies for a medical deduction and as an expense in a flexible spending account. (The IRS used to… Read more ›

May 31, 2022

Tax Quiz About Business Vehicle Deductions

Q. When buying a vehicle to use in your business, which type is potentially eligible for 100% bonus depreciation that allows a larger first-year tax write-off? a. Compact car made in the USA b. Plug-in electric sedan c. Hybrid passenger auto d. Large sport utility vehicle (SUV) The answer is d While a compact car, an electric vehicle or a hybrid may save you money in gas and provide some nice tax breaks, a suitably heavy SUV, pickup, or van… Read more ›

May 25, 2022

Is a 403(b) Plan Right for Your Not-for-Profit?

The 403(b) plan is often thought of as a 401(k) plan for nonprofits. It’s probably not the only option for your not-for-profit, but it can provide certain advantages over 401(k)s. Following is a brief rundown. Generous Contribution Limits A 403(b) plan is a tax-favored qualified retirement plan set up for employees of not-for-profit organizations, including charities, hospitals, schools and government entities. As with other qualified plans, pre-tax contributions grow tax-free until withdrawals are made. Normally, employee contributions are deducted from… Read more ›