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Category: Retirement Planning

February 9, 2023

5 Major Tax-Favored Retirement Plan Changes for Individuals Under New Law

After months of negotiations, Congress finally passed the long-awaited Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0). This part of the omnibus funding package builds on the SECURE Act of 2019 and contains major changes in the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules and other retirement plan provisions. Here are five major taxpayer friendly changes that will kick in over the next few years. 1. Increased Starting Age for RMDs Traditional IRAs, individual retirement annuities, and accounts in… Read more ›

February 3, 2023

Expanding Your Nonprofit’s Benefit Offerings

Many job seekers and others assume that not-for-profit organizations offer fewer or less-generous fringe benefits to employees than for-profit companies. But that’s not necessarily true. According to a recent survey by the Nonprofit Times, 87% of nonprofit employers offer a health insurance plan. But as the Kaiser Family Foundation has found, only 49% of private for-profit companies with three to nine workers offer health insurance coverage to workers. Larger for-profit companies generally do offer health insurance and other benefits. So… Read more ›

January 3, 2023

Year-end Spending Package Tackles Retirement Planning, Conservation Easements

On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. The sprawling year-end spending “omnibus” package includes two important new laws that could affect your financial planning: the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act (also known as SECURE 2.0) and the Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act. Bolstering Retirement Savings (SECURE 2.0) The original SECURE Act, enacted in 2019, was a significant bipartisan law related to retirement savings. In the spring of 2022, with an… Read more ›

November 15, 2022

How to Approach Succession Planning

Does your organization have a succession plan in place? And, if it does, is it well documented? Some not-for-profits delay detailed succession planning, thinking of it as a project they’ll get to “someday.” But that’s a mistake. Like making future plans in your private life, creating a succession plan for your organization is a necessity. And the earlier you start planning, the better. You’ll come across information that needs to be documented for the successor — and you might also… Read more ›

October 24, 2022

The Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act and New IRS Rules on Taxation and Retirement Savings in 2023

As Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell recently reported, the Inflation Reduction Act has created deductions for energy-efficient construction especially concerning the Section 179D deduction for commercial buildings and the Section 45L credit for residential homes. The Inflation Reduction Act has created additional adjustments in 2023 taxpayers should be aware of including to the standard deduction and other provisions. More recently on Friday, October 21, the IRS also announced a generous increase in the 2023 annual contributions to a 401K account. Read… Read more ›

October 3, 2022

Helping Your Kids Achieve Future Financial Security

Young adults who start their careers weighed down by college debt have a tough time buying a home or maxing out a retirement plan. That’s why, in 1996, Congress added Section 529 to the Internal Revenue Code. It created a new tax-advantaged college saving vehicle. More than two decades later, “529 plans” now collectively hold around $320 billion in assets.A lesser-known alternative, with its own set of pros and cons, is the custodial Roth IRA. Even if you’ve already started… Read more ›

September 21, 2022

The Tip to Earning Income After You Retire

Get the most from Social Security. Younger retirees face a harsh penalty for working part-time. For every $2 earned over $19,560 in 2022 (up from $18,960 in 2021), you lose $1 in Social Security benefits. In the year you reach full retirement age, a higher earnings threshold applies. Your benefits will be reduced by $1 for every $3 of earnings only when earnings exceed $51,960 in 2022 if you reach full retirement age (up from $50,520 for 2021). After you… Read more ›

August 26, 2022

Don’t Short-Change Your Future By Cashing Out Your 401(k)

If you’re looking for money to buy a new car or pay off some bills, your 401(k) plan may seem like a pot of untapped gold. The temptation to tap your retirement funds often comes when you switch jobs and must decide how to handle your account. But in most cases, breaking into a retirement plan early is a mistake that will just melt away your savings. Unfortunately, many people make the unfortunate decision to “cash out” their retirement accounts… Read more ›

August 19, 2022

Self-Employed Business Owners: What’s the Right Retirement Plan for You?

If you own a successful small business with no employees, you might be ready to set up a retirement plan. Or you might want to upgrade from a more-basic SIMPLE IRA or Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan. Here are two options — solo 401(k)s and defined benefit pension plans — to consider if you have healthy self-employment income and want to contribute substantial amounts to your retirement nest egg. Important: This article is geared toward self-employed individuals. That includes sole proprietors,… Read more ›

August 19, 2022

Tax Planning for Payments to Buy Out an Exiting Partner

Sooner or later, your firm will encounter the issue of buying out a partner. This may be due to the partner’s retirement, death or other reasons. The federal income tax rules for partnership payments to buy out an exiting partner’s interest are tricky, but they also open up tax planning opportunities. The Basic Tax Rules Payments made by a partnership to liquidate (or buy out) an exiting partner’s entire interest are covered by Section 736 of the Internal Revenue Code…. Read more ›