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Category: Real Estate

June 10, 2022

Tax Breaks for Becoming a Landlord

Have you always wanted to buy rental property and become a landlord? As you can imagine, putting up with some tenants can be a pain in the neck. But the discomfort can be eased by the valuable tax breaks available to rental property owners. In fact, favorable tax laws are one big reason why so many fortunes have been made in real estate. Another big reason is that leveraging real estate investments with mortgages can multiply profits. But for purposes… Read more ›

May 16, 2022

Should You Diversify Your Investments with Rental Real Estate?

Many people invest in marketable securities, including stocks, bonds, money market funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs). But a less conventional investment option that’s historically paid off for many investors is purchasing a home or condo to rent out to third parties. This alternative may help diversify your existing portfolio and hedge against public market trends. With any investment, there are no guarantees of success, especially if you have a short time horizon. But rental properties may be a… Read more ›

May 3, 2022

How Much Building Maintenance is Enough?

  Building maintenance is a critical process if you want your real estate to continue to function as intended, and to deliver an uninterrupted steady stream of revenues in the foreseeable future. A good maintenance program also helps you avoid certain lawsuits, for several reasons. First of all, a properly maintained building generally means the grounds are also well-kept and cleared of debris. Common areas are functioning as they should, and are free of unnecessary machinery and equipment. This translates… Read more ›

May 3, 2022

How to Keep Your Business Strong Despite Inflationary Pressures

  Over the last year, consumer prices rose 7.9%, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Consumer Price Index covers the prices of food, clothing, shelter, fuels, transportation, doctors’ and dentists’ services, drugs, and other goods and services that people buy for day-to-day living. This is the highest 12-month increase since 1982. Increases in the price of consumer goods will affect most businesses, sooner or later. For example, if you operate a restaurant, spikes… Read more ›

March 8, 2022

Tax Benefit of Separating Repairs from Improvements

  There’s a world of tax difference between repairs to real estate property and capital improvements. And it’s not just semantics. The characterization could result in an increase or decrease of thousands of dollars on your tax return. Basic premise: Repairs are currently deductible in full and can be used to offset the tax from rental income. On the other hand, improvements must be written off over a period of years. It takes 27.5 years to write off improvements for… Read more ›

January 10, 2022

A Dozen Questions to Ask Before Buying Distressed Commercial Properties

  In many areas, the real estate sector has been hit hard. Commercial property, including apartment complexes, retail and industrial properties are down in value. This may attract investors in search of good buying opportunities. However, potential buyers should look beyond low purchase prices when they evaluate these properties. The properties’ physical state, legal issues, and insurance considerations also affect whether they are smart investments. Many of these properties were only partially completed when financial crisis hit, so buyers must… Read more ›

December 7, 2021

Section 1031 Exchanges for Real Estate are More Attractive than Ever

  Real estate investors often unload one property and replace it with another. But making an outright sale of an appreciated property results in a current tax hit. That’s unfortunate if you intend to use the sales proceeds to buy replacement property. The good news: Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code allows you to postpone your tax bill by arranging for a property exchange. With real estate prices up dramatically in many markets, the Section 1031 exchange strategy is… Read more ›

November 30, 2021

You May Want to Separate Real Estate Assets from Your Business

  Many companies choose not to combine real estate and other assets into a single entity. Perhaps the business fears liability for injuries suffered on the property. Or legal liabilities encountered by the company could affect property ownership. But there are valid and potentially beneficial tax reasons for holding real estate in a separate entity as well. Avoiding Costly Mistakes Many businesses operate as C corporations so they can buy and hold real estate just as they do equipment, inventory,… Read more ›

October 27, 2021

Working on Your Estate Plan? Consider a Revocable Living Plan

  If you’ve reached an age when you really want to start working on your estate plan, one arrangement to consider is a revocable living trust. Perhaps you’ve heard of one, but you’re fuzzy on the details. Here are the basics. You create one while you’re alive and can cancel it at any time. Generally, you’re both the trustee and the beneficiary, so you control the trust’s assets. With a revocable living trust, you distribute assets to yourself while you’re… Read more ›

October 27, 2021

Don’t Forget to Include Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan

  Does your estate plan include instructions on how to access your online bank and brokerage accounts? What about your social media accounts and electronically stored photos? And if you own blockchain assets, they could be permanently lost if your professional advisor or beneficiaries don’t have the private key to unlock them. The bottom line: It’s important to include digital assets in your estate plan and keep password lists updated. Laws lag developments The laws in the area of digital… Read more ›