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Category: Financial Planning

October 4, 2023

Budget Better with the 50-20-30 Approach

  For many people, getting better at budgeting is near the top of their to-do list. However, developing and sticking to a budget isn’t always a simple task. Creating complicated spreadsheets, learning budgeting software and dealing with spending restrictions — all of these things can end up derailing even the most dedicated budgeter. Here’s a synopsis of a simple — but effective — approach to budgeting. The Mechanics Start by splitting your monthly income into three simple “buckets” or budget… Read more ›

October 4, 2023

How to Prepare for Buying a House in the Current Housing Market

  From high prices and interest rates to increased demand, now is a particularly challenging time to buy a home. But with no idea what the market could do next, becoming financially prepared to buy a home moves you one step closer to making it happen. In this how-to, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to financially prepare for this large purchase, even in the current housing market. Before Looking at a House Assess Your Current Financial Situation Before… Read more ›

August 31, 2023

Unleashing the Future: The Power of Investing in Artificial Intelligence

In the digital age, the term “artificial intelligence” (AI) has transcended science fiction to become a driving force behind technological advancements. As AI rapidly reshapes society, its potential for investors has become increasingly evident. This blog post delves into the realm of investing in AI, exploring the reasons behind its exponential growth, potential risks, and strategies for maximizing returns. The AI Revolution: Unprecedented Growth and Innovation Artificial intelligence, in simple terms, refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by… Read more ›

July 17, 2023

Virtual Currency Lands in the IRS’s Crosshairs

While the value of virtual currency continues to fluctuate, the IRS’s interest in it has only increased. In 2021, for example, the agency launched Operation Hidden Treasure to root out taxpayers who don’t report income from cryptocurrency transactions on their federal income tax returns. Moreover, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, allocated $80 billion to the IRS, most of it designated for enforcement activities. However, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, enacted in May 2023, will claw back $21.39 billion of that amount by the end… Read more ›

May 22, 2023

Social Security’s Future: The Problem And the Proposals

Recent reports have raised anew concerns about the impending insolvency of the Social Security program, absent congressional action. Social Security reform has long been considered a “third rail” of American politics and understandably so — the options for heading off insolvency will inevitably cause pain for significant segments of the population. Yet some in Congress have stepped forward with proposals that aim to tackle the problem. The Impending Shortfall Social Security currently provides benefits to more than 66 million recipients. The Congressional… Read more ›

March 30, 2023

Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits

Are you retiring soon? Unsure of if you will have enough money to get by? Social Security is supposed to give you financial support when you are no longer earning an income of your own but its process can be confusing. If you’ve already started your benefits or found you have made a mistake, these solutions may help. Taxes and the age you start collecting Social Security benefits can all change how much you get from the government each month…. Read more ›

March 9, 2023

What is Social Security and When to Apply?

This blog discusses content from CBM’s Maximizing Social Security Benefits and Avoiding Mistakes webinar. To watch the webinar click here. Previous webinars can be found here. Like the content? Get alerts about future webinars here. Anyone who gets a paycheck knows that Social Security exists, by the little tax line. But do you know how it works? An important part of financial planning is knowing where your money is going and what you will get in return. This post discusses… Read more ›

February 13, 2023

Smart Financial Planning for Younger Professionals (II): Managing Debt, Protecting Your Loved Ones and Tax Planning

This article appears in a longer, more detailed white paper with exclusive content focused on building a strong financial foundation for early career stage professionals. Download the white paper here. Manage Your Debt Not all debt is bad debt, especially if you have a low interest rate that’s helping you finance an asset and thus increasing your net worth. A mortgage is an example of what is typically considered a good debt. Student Debt If you have student debt, it’s… Read more ›

February 10, 2023

Tax Treatment of Debt Forgiveness: Watch Out for Tax Bills Delivered COD

Debtors typically experience a feeling of relief when a creditor agrees to provide debt forgiveness. But that feeling often is replaced by shock and confusion when they learn they owe taxes on so-called “cancellation of debt” (COD) income. Read on to learn the tax rules for COD income and how they might affect your tax situation. General Rule of Debt Forgiveness Taxes The IRS considers your debt canceled if it’s forgiven or discharged for less than the full amount you owe…. Read more ›

February 9, 2023

5 Major Tax-Favored Retirement Plan Changes for Individuals Under New Law

After months of negotiations, Congress finally passed the long-awaited Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0). This part of the omnibus funding package builds on the SECURE Act of 2019 and contains major changes in the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules and other retirement plan provisions. Here are five major taxpayer friendly changes that will kick in over the next few years. 1. Increased Starting Age for RMDs Traditional IRAs, individual retirement annuities, and accounts in… Read more ›