If rising health care costs have sent your company searching for ways to reduce expenses, you should know there are alternatives to standard medical insurance plans. Your choices are not limited to either paying the higher costs yourself or transferring the burden to your employees. Tax-advantaged strategies are available which can mitigate the effect of rising costs for you and your staff members. Here are three ideas to consider. 1. Establish a Health Insurance Premium-Only Plan (POP) This super-simple… Read more ›
Are you feeling generous? Qualified charitable contributions can be rewarded with sizeable tax breaks during the second calendar year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent legislation includes the following four temporary tax law changes that are designed to help individuals and businesses that donate to charities through the end of 2021. 1. Deductions for Non-Itemizers In the past, you could claim significant itemized deductions on your federal income tax return for contributing money or property (or both) to qualified charitable organizations… Read more ›
Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (CBM) has published guidance for businesses that receive a notice from the IRS (Letter 226J) relating to penalties associated with compliance with the Affordable Care Act. Click here to read our guidance. Please also keep in mind the important deadlines below. Don’t Miss Early 2020 Due Dates February 28, 2020 – Paper copies of Forms 1094-C and 1095-C must be filed with the IRS by this date. Employers with less than 250 employees can paper file…. Read more ›
The IRS is currently issuing the Letter 226J proposed employer-shared responsibility payment (ESRP) notice to businesses they suspect of having not complied with the 2017 tax-year Affordable Care Act requirements. The Letter identifies the amount of the proposed penalty that the business would be responsible for paying— an amount which can be steep. CBM has seen penalty amounts ranging from $3,160 to over a million dollars. CBM advises businesses that receive such a letter to respond promptly, especially since Letter… Read more ›