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Navigating the Complexities of Commingled Assets: CBM Divorce Litigation Team to Present at the Mid-Atlantic Collaborative Professionals Forum

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Woman presenting in front of collaborative professionals.

CBM is excited to have three of our divorce and litigation experts presenting at the upcoming Mid-Atlantic Collaborative Professionals Forum. Director of Divorce Litigation Services, Jordan P. Egert, CPA, CFE, CDFA®, and Managers Abbie (Niehoff) Frishman, MPS, CFP®, CDFA® and Stephanie Anderson, CFA, CFP®, CDFA®, will lead the session “Untangling Wealth: Mastering Commingled Assets in Collaborative Divorce” on Saturday, April 26th, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

This session explores effective strategies for distinguishing and distributing the value of non-marital vs. marital components of commingled assets. Through engaging case studies, participants will explore real-world challenges such as handling incomplete financial records and negotiation techniques like buy-outs. Additionally, the experts will discuss methods for managing emotions, finances, and team dynamics during the collaborative process. Aiming to foster clearer financial resolutions and smoother collaborative divorce outcomes for all parties involved.

The Mid-Atlantic Collaborative Professionals Forum is an educational event for collaborative professionals. The region’s top collaborative professional organizations – CDRP, CPNV, DCACP and VaCP – are coming together to support this event, taking place on April 24-26. This dynamic event offers expert workshops led by national collaborative practice leaders. The topics cover complicated topics such as the impact of divorce on children and techniques for effective collaborative teamwork.

More information about the program and registration is found on the the Mid-Atlantic Collaborative Professionals Forum website. The registration fee is $570.

Learn more about CBM’s divorce financial planning group.  

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